So, again we are back to our lockdown. Sometimes I feel COVID has more wrights on our life then us. Because in today's situation COVID is deciding what should happen and what should not.
Sounds funny right. So let's accept the reality and let's make sure that these barriers should not affect our happy life.
I found many people are struggling today. People are unable to make a productive day. Specially students and working people.
So, came up with some tips, which will be very useful, it will be productive, joyful, purposeful and most important thing you will be satisfied of what you have done.
Try to wake up bit early around six or seven and for that you should sleep early at night, so make sure you sleep early before 11 o'clock. Behind every fresh morning there is a proper night routine.
Keep a mild fresh melody alarm tone which sounds you pleasant.
Next have a walk or workout or yoga, do these things with a melody mind refreshing music, it will purify your heart.
You can do meditation and chanting at least for 15mins or you can listen to chanting, according to you comfort. Trust me this will cleanse your heart and mind.
Then you can fresh up and have breakfast, make sure you have within 9 o'clock. And most important thing try not to touch your phone until your ready that is till your breakfast.
In morning hours we will be very energic so do all your official works like writing or reading.
Afternoon will be dull, try to have lunch within 2 o'clock and take some rest or watch movie.
Evening try to have a walk, go out, if possible play any game.
Night try to have your dinner before 2hrs of your sleep.
Try to keep your gadgets aside at least half an hour before your sleep. Try to do some chanting before you sleep. It will cleanse your body, heart and mind.
Sleep with nil thoughts, make yourself totally relaxed, feel the soul and sleep.
So, I am done with it.
Try to follow it, trust me this will help you, but it needs a routine and for that it need practice.
With Love
Self Muser
