To try and fill the lives of their children with happiness this is the foremost duty of all the parents.
The one you bring into this world and their acts would judge your identity in the world.
What else could be more valuable than thinking for their future ?
But, happiness and security aren't these attained by the deeds(Karma) of human being ?
The good and bad values instilled by the parents the adequate and inadequate lessons taught by them are these not the basic values of the deeds(Karma) ?
Ideals and learning develop a man's character.
This means, the way the parents develop their child's character their future turns out of to be similar.
(Character = Future)
Yet most of the parents in the process of securing their children's future forget to enhance their character.
Thus, the parents who worrying for the future of their children, their children never benefit from anything.
But the parents who aren't worried about their future but are more concerned about developing their character, the whole world praises such children.
With Love
Self Muser
