Hey Guy's
Most of us hate comparison, not only most of us, everyone hate comparison.
As when parents compare us with our friends or cousins or neighbours , we just hate it.
Each and everyone are different from each other in many ways.
So we don't accept the comparison, as I am not like you and you not like me, because we both have our own different qualities, skills, weakness, strength and many other things.
But............ at the same time,
Unknowingly we ourselves compare ourselves with our friends or cousins or someone.
I wish I had his/her dress,
I wish I had a life partner like him/her,
I wish I had his/her job,
These things will just create a mess between you and that particular person.
These things will create a barrier for your relationship with that particular person.
Since you feel sad or you wish to have those which they have then how could you lead a good relationship with them.
Now a days these kinds of comparison occurs mostly due to social media.
By watching others post or whatever it may be.
Don't let the social media to make you upset or make you feel your less than others or make you to compare with others.
With Love
Self Muser
