These are some of the things which all should follow.
1. Eating two hours before your bed time will allows your body time to digest your food so you're not up at night with an upset stomach, indigestion or heartburn.
2. Saying bye bye to your phone before one hour of your bed time will create a good impact on your health, mind and sleep.
3. Go to bed within 11pm.
It's said that between 11pm-3am liver functions. So it's necessary to be in the sleeping position between that hours even though you are not getting sleep.
Awaking in those hours will cause some bad signs for liver.
During sleep, the gallbladder, which controls emotions and judgement, and the liver, which is responsible for circulation and emotional well-being, repair themselves. Sleeping late depletes the energy reserves of those organs, which can lead to bad judgement and emotional instability.
4. Self analysis is very important, you must know how much time you have utilized per day, you must know what you have for a whole day. So do a self analysis everyday. Just be in a bed, just think for a while what you have done for the whole.
5. Many times we forget to do something on the next day or if we have more work we don't have a perfect plan to split the work according to time. So every time just make a checklist to be done for the next day. Planned work will always leads to success.
6. Before going to bed don't think anything, don't let the unnecessary things to march in your mind. Sleep without any thinking. Sleep with silent and calm mind. Do chants for better mind and sleep.
With Love
Self Muser
